Welcome to 2009!

The start of a new year often brings to mind the chance for new beginnings, hopes and wishes. Here are a few thoughts about hopes and dreams for this new year.

"In this New Year, we turn again to the Lord of hosts - praying urgently for the justice, righteousness and peace hailed by the birth of the newborn babe in the manger, the humble child, the Prince of Peace.

In these days of terrible violence, death and destruction in Gaza and southern Israel, the ELCA joins its voice with all in the region and around the world who call for an immediate ceasefire. The continuing loss of life, infliction of serious injury and devastation of property will only deepen hatred and divisions, and will serve no good end. Lamenting the recent escalation of violence, only negotiations, leading to a two-state solution, will bring about a durable peace with justice for both Israelis and Palestinians." - Bishop Mark S. Hanson

"that we'd be people & communities radically in touch with Christ's love for us & continue to risk our comfort, ego, time, money, and heart to offer mercy & compassion to others. that we'd be somehow known as those weird people who love other people unconditionally, tangibly, and in all kinds of crazy, unexplainable ways." - kathy escobar

What hopes and dreams do you have for 2009?

1 comment:

Kim Wilkens said...

I'm not a fan of resolutions. Maybe that's because I fail at them so regularly. However, facing a new year does give me a sense of starting with a clean slate and I find myself daring to hope for some things in this new year. Things like more exercising for me and more peace for the Middle East.

For Peace, I hope that we are fearless in fulfilling our potential to be a radically welcoming, community serving, justice seeking congregation.