Walking Wet: The call of baptism

Day 1: You Are Invited!
Read John 1:35-43. In verse 39, Jesus invites us to "come and see." We have an "open" invitation…to participate in a relationship with him…any time, anywhere. And, the good news is that we can share this invitation with others. The invitation is a call to discipleship, fellowship, blessing, comfort, service, sacrifice, and life eternal. The following passages will give you more specifics: Matthew 11:28-30, 25:34; Mark 10:21; John 4:29, 21:12; and Revelation 3:20. Have you responded to the invitation? Come and see!

Day 2: He Knows Your Name
Have you ever walked into a crowd at a party and looked around for someone you knew who could call you by name? What a relief when you hear a familiar voice calling your name. God knows your name—He knows all about you and loves you unconditionally. Read the following verses which tell of the depths of His love for you: Psalm 139:13-18; Isaiah 43:1; 46:3-4; 49:15-16a; Jeremiah 1:4-8; and John 10:3-4. Thank God for knowing you and calling you by name.

Day 3: Is God Using Your Voice?
Read John 1:43-51. Take note of all the invitations that are given. Did these early followers of Jesus wait until their faiths were mature and they knew Jesus well before inviting others to "come and see"? They had been waiting for the Messiah and, upon meeting him, they were incredibly eager to invite others into relationship with Jesus. Have you ever talked with anyone about what Jesus means to you? Have you invited someone to church so that he/she might hear the good news? Read Acts 1:8 and Romans 10:8-15. The disciples began by sharing Jesus with those closest to them. Ask the Spirit to give you opportunities this week to share the love of Jesus with family and friends.

Day 4: Have You Shared the Invitation?
Yesterday, we noted all the invitations in John 1:43-51. Read the text again and notice that Andrew and Philip immediately invite others to come and meet Jesus. And those whom they invite, Simon and Nathanael, find that Jesus already knows them. Read John 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:4-6; and 2 Peter 3:9. God’s love knows no limits. We, too, are called to love without limit. Yesterday we prayed about sharing with those people closest to us. Is God calling you to deliver the invitation to those outside your circle of friends and family? The neighbor two doors down, the student sitting across from you, the mailman who stops to chat while working his route? Ask God for guidance and direction.

Day 5: Welcome to the Community!
Where do you feel most secure in God’s love? Is it in your family, in your church? When you're in prayer? One by one, Jesus invites the disciples into relationship with him. He calls them by name; he knows them intimately; he challenges them to "come and see" and to follow him. And he invites them into community. In John 1:41-46, notice how God uses the voices of Andrew and Philip to call others to Jesus. And just as he uses human voices to call people to Jesus, he uses human arms to embrace them and words to encourage them with Jesus' love. Read John 13:34-35; 15:9-13; 17:20-26. Thank God for your family, your friends and your faith community. Thank God for loving you unconditionally. Ask the Spirit to guide you in sharing this "welcome call" to those beyond the comfortable circle of family and faith community.

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