Walking Wet: Relationship, not Religion

Day 1
Most people appreciate being called by name. Some are offended if their names are forgotten or mispronounced. God knows our names. God knows all about us, and yet God loves us. Read the following verses, basking in God's intimate love for you: Psalm 139:13-18, 23-24; Isaiah 43:1, 46:3-4; 49:15-16a; Jeremiah 1:4-8; and John 10:3-4. Some of these words are spoken to individuals or to Israel, but the heart of these messages is for each of us: God know us by name; God loves us and calls to us. Thank God for calling you by name. Embrace God's love.

Day 2
Love and belonging is a basic human need. Too often we humans search for love in all the wrong places. Our past human experiences cloud our understanding of God's unconditional love for us. Today is a new beginning. If you are suffering ask the great healer to live in your heart and accept the love He freely has already given you. "So we know and believe the love God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." 1 John 4: 16.

Day 3
Do you see your Christianity as a "religion" or as a relationship, a journey with God? Read John 1:35-51. Notice the eagerness with which these early followers of Jesus leave what is behind and put their trust in Jesus, and commit their lives to him. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime with God and his son Jesus? Are you ready to re-commit your life to Jesus?

Day 4
Find a quiet spot away from all distractions. Turn off electronic devices, breathe deeply and talk openly and authentically with God. Whisper, shout, cry, smile. Don’t hold anything back. End by thanking Him for His love, be specific.

Day 5
Begin by reading Luke 6: 27-38. We demonstrate unconditional acceptance and love, based in the unconditional love and acceptance offered to us by Jesus. We serve others, regardless of what we think of their worthiness or circumstances, with no strings attached. Love will push us out of our comfort zone as we choose to do what is right, even to our enemies and no matter the personal cost. Commit to leave your comfort zone and serve others today. Service opportunities are posted in the Spirit of Peace (the weekend handout), the Peace E-zine, and on the ministry wall as you enter the church building.

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