the book of faith

While we are talking the Bible, many other individuals, churches and organizations are talking the Bible as well. Are there ways we can talk the Bible together? The ELCA has started an initiative called The Book of Faith, Open Scripture. Join the Conversation.

"The Book of Faith initiative invites the whole church to become more fluent in the first language of faith, the language of Scripture, in order that we might live into our calling as a people renewed, enlivened, empowered and sent by the Word. This initiative is the work of the whole church. Each individual, each congregation, each synod, and each church-related organization is invited to participate and to help make the vision of the Book of Faith initiative a reality throughout the church. The first year of the Book of Faith initiative centers on inviting everyone to join the conversation, to make a commitment, and to become part of the initiative."

Check out this resource and let us know how you think we can participate.