A Visible Community

by Alli Watson

Day 1 - Read Matthew 4:19; 5:13-16; and Mark 9:49
In calling the disciples, Jesus implores them: “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”. Jesus is telling his disciples, past and present, “Follow me, and I will give you the tools you need to further the Kingdom of God”. What tools has God equipped you with? In what way(s) have you been “salted with fire”? Prayerfully consider how the tools God has blessed you with, are equipping you to serve and illumine God's Kingdom.

Day 2 -Read Mark 8:14-18 So to see...
We have been told we have tools to use to further God's kingdom. But how is it, that we come to faithfully employ them? Perhaps the first step in using our tools is seeing and becoming aware of where exactly it is that we need to use them. After the disciples failed to see the significance of the Lord before them, Jesus asks “Do you still not see or understand?” Is not God asking us the same question? What is it that we see in God's Kingdom? What is it that we do not see?

Day 3 Read Hebrews 3:7-8 and 1 Peter 3:15 So to hear...
In our world today, it can be very easy to point out injustice and disparity, and we are certainly called to use our tools to strive for justice. How do we, as Christian people, know what justice is? In essence, what is it that we stand for and how do our actions show it? Our God is a living God and so speaks to us through His word. We are invited to pray upon and listen to what it is that He is saying. What are you hearing God say to you about what you see in his Kingdom?

Day 4: Read Psalm 37:3-6 So to feel...
As Christians, we are incredibly blessed to have a God who seeks our hearts and souls. Not only does the Lord connect with us in sight and sound, He also engages our hearts so that we may feel. Let us pray that with all the Lord shows us and tells us, that we may be open to the Word, encouragement, and motivation laid upon our hearts by the Spirit.

Day 5 - Read Ephesians 4:7-16 So to do...

The Lord has blessed us with tools inclusive of and in addition to seeing, hearing and feeling. However, His intent was not for us to sit idly by and bask in the wonderment of the gift itself. Instead, we are called to use these tools! Let us pray that we forever recognize Christ as the head and join together in love, as we use our tools to work in His Kingdom and illustrate our lives in the light. in the light.

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