Where Your Treasure Is

by Lisa Glassco

Day 1: Read Matthew 6:19-20
These verses remind me of people who have collections. Usually. The individual pieces in a collection cost little and it's only when the prices of the pieces are added up that the collector realizes how much money has been spent on it over time. These are indeed treasures that are endangered by moths, rust, and thieves. While there is nothing wrong with collecting things that bring pleasure to our hearts, there might be trouble if adding to the collection starts to become more important than helping others – when keeping the breakable pieces displayed is more important than letting children plan in the house – when things become more important than people.

What are the collections in your life? How much have you spent on them?

Day 2: Read Matthew 6:21
What is treasure? Is it the same for everyone? No, indeed! For our dog, treasure is any unattended food. For young children, treasure is a shiny stone or a stick shaped like a T. For pirates (at least in the movies), treasure is gold and jewels. What kind of treasure did Jesus have in mind? Anything people think is important, is my guess. He spoke earlier of the less-important treasures in heaven, treasures like showing mercy, making peace, living humbly, sharing blessings, and believing in God.

Where is your treasure? Would Jesus approve?

Day 3: Read Matthew 6:22-23
This is one section that I sincerely hope should not be understood literally. I have very bad eyesight. Without my glasses the world is, basically, lots of blobs moving around. This is very confusing. If I had to live without glasses to correct my vision, I would be walking in darkness. Maybe God is providing eyeglasses for us by giving Jesus as our direction and our light. As humans, we trip over decisions, blunder into (or out of) relationships, and walk uncertainly into bad situations just like people who need glasses trip, blunder, and walk uncertainly wherever they go, but our faith in God assures us that we are never alone. Through God's Word, we have a way to see more clearly, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are comforted.

Are you wearing your glasses today?

Day 4: Read Matthew 6:24-26
You cannot serve God and money, but money can serve God in many ways. Money can support churches, shelters, disaster victims, and charities of all kinds. A Christian's goal shouldn't be simply earning money to keep it, but earning money to give it away. Money shouldn't be simply earning money to keep it, but earning money to give it away. Money should be a resource that we earn and use to fulfill God's goals, not a goal in itself.

How are you using your money to further God's goals?

Day 5: Read Matthew 6:19-26
This whole passage is really about how to use money in ways that please God. We should not let earning or keeping it become more important than people. We should not fixate on it to the exclusion of anything else, especially God. We should be generous and use our resources to help others. We should keep our financial priorities straight and see the world through God’s eyes. There's nothing wrong with saving something for a time of trouble or inheritance for our children; we just need to remember to help our brothers and sisters too.

Who are you going to help this week? This month? This year?

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