Walking Wet: Are We There Yet?

Day 1
Read Mark 1:14-15 and Matthew 3:1-6. What do you think is the good news of which Jesus speaks? Why does following Jesus begin with repentance? What does repent mean? (change; turn around; reorientation) Why is repentance essential if we are to grow as disciples? Why might be your prayer of repentance today?

Day 2
Read John 15:1-4. In following Jesus, what is the one thing required above all else? Compare Luke 10:38-42. What does it mean to abide in Jesus? What other words would you substitute for abide? What are the times when you hear Jesus calling you to come out of the kitchen to sit at his feet?

Day 3
Read John 15:5-17. What is the relationship between these phrases of Jesus: abide/remain in me, love one another, and bear fruit? Some biblical interpreters suggest that the fruit God wants to produce in us is love. One definition of spiritual growth is "an increasing love for God and for others." What is helping you grow in your love for God and your love for others?

Day 4
Read Ephesians 4:11-16. The author of this letter draws a picture of a faith community maturing toward the fullness of Jesus Christ. Notice that spiritual growth occurs in the context of a community of faith. What is the connection between doing ministry or service and growing in Christ? Like John 15, this passage also mentions love as an essential ingredient in growing up in Christ. What is it about love that contributes to the strengthening of the body of Christ and to its unity?

Day 5
Read Genesis 12:1-4 and Hebrews 11:8-16. God called Abraham to leave his home and journey to a new place. Do you think Abraham was always wondering, are we there yet? Did he ever arrive? Do we ever arrive, or are we always on a journey? It has been suggested that if you are not uncomfortable, then you are not growing. Is this your experience? What do you think about the following quotation: "The decision to grow always involves a choice between risk and comfort. This means that to be a follower of Jesus you must renounce comfort as the ultimate value of your life." (Ortberg, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat, 21) What do you think are the growth points in your life? In our congregational life?

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