The Way of Generosity: The Generosity of God

Day 1
In worship this weekend we sang, "O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hands hath made…." Does that include us? Do we really consider ourselves wonderfully made and truly belonging to God? Ponder your relationship with the Lord, who is both Creator and Redeemer, as you read and reflect on Psalm 24:1 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

Day 2
Read Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Psalm 8:1-9; and 139:1-18,23-24. Some of the creation narratives are expressed poetically; did you hear the rhythms of God's grace in the poetry or music of the pictures of creation? We have spoken of God's power and glory made manifest in creation. Do you also see God's intimate love and grace? Consider how perfectly God suits creation to the needs of humans. Ponder the tenderness of God's grace and love (Psalm 8:5; 139:13-14). Worship God as you respond to God's love, glory, and grace.

Day 3
Read 1 Chronicles 29:14-17 and Matthew 25:14-30. David expresses that giving to God is a matter of the heart. Do you trust God's intentions; do you believe that God knows what will bring you the most joy, the surest security, and the greatest blessing? Do you trust enough to risk taking God at God's word or do you see God as the servant with one talent saw him (Matthew 25:24-25)?

Day 4
Do you think in terms of "mine" as you survey all that is around you (my home, my yard, my car, my money…)? How do we move toward the realization that God is owner of everything, and we are simply those who manage or care for it on God's behalf? Read Psalm 24:1 and Matthew 25:14-30. For those hearing Jesus tell the parable, the setting was familiar: wealthy landowners often left their estates or property in the hands of trusted servants. If we view things as belonging to God instead of as "mine", how might we react? Do we manage wisely the life and resources, which have been entrusted to us? Do we ever squander or hoard them? Think on this and pray honestly.

Day 5
How much time do we spend longing for what we do not have as opposed to delighting in what God has put into our hands to manage as faithful stewards? Do we serve the Master and delight in pleasing him, or do we seek to please ourselves and treat God as the one who serves us? Consider what a privilege and responsibility it is to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords; and we serve as beloved children and heirs (Romans 8:15-17)! Read Matthew 6:25-34. What do the words of Jesus have to say to us in these days of fear and anxiety over jobs, finances, investments, and pensions

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