week 3 devotions - can U hear me now?

An Honest Message, an Honest Life

Day 1: This week we are challenged to come before Christ and one another honestly and openly. What in the world does this look like you might ask yourself. A first step could be to pray to God and honestly tell Him who and what you really are. Tell God how sorry you are for all the times you turned your back on Him and thought you were in total control. This is an act of honesty before God is called repentance.

Several weeks ago we heard Pastor John tell us that the Holy Spirit had called him to personal repentance. But clearly it was to take place here, openly at Peace, so that others could have the opportunity to join the journey of coming before God honestly and openly as well. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 – 7:00pm is now the time of gathering honestly before God and before one another. Have you made this a priority item on your "to do" list?

Read Psalm 8: 1-9. Make a list of anything that you have done or said in the last few days that grieved God and receive His forgiveness.

Day 2: Practicing being real in front of God will help us to be honest in front of others. When people see us trading superiority for respect and certainty for acceptance and power for kindness they feel safe to approach us. This can lead to open and honest discussions about the struggles we've faced, the brokenness we’ve experienced and ultimately the trials we've come through. In sharing our vulnerability we will have a real impact.

Read Romans 15:7 & Philippians 2:4. Ask God to help you build bridges of relationships to those around you who need to know Him. Ask God today to help you become more caring, unselfish, and generous in your loving support of others and of their personal stories today.

Day 3: Why do we pretend? Why do we try to create an impression that we have it all together? Is it that we are afraid that when people learn who and what we really are that they will not accept us, not like us? Some of Jesus’ strongest words are for those who made a show of themselves, those who placed a lot of worth on power and position. Those who were more concerned with their own outer appearances and their own perceived superiority.

“When you stop being an imposter, only then can you become the person God created you to be.” Real Followers by Michael Slaughter.

Read Matthew 23: 23-28. After reading this passage turn to God in prayer. Dear Lord, remove my selfish desires. Remove hypocrisy and judgment from me. Fill me with understanding and compassion and show me how to see others as you see them.

Day 4: Sharing our failures with others just isn't natural. Or is it? How often have you caught a glimpse of yourself in other people's stories? Have you ever caught yourself thinking "well, so I’m not the only one that has suffered or been downtrodden"?

Consider that God has called us to live in community for a purpose. A portion of what we have experienced is for a reason that transcends our present affliction. Sometimes that reason is revealed much later through the interpersonal relationships with others who are in the midst of the thing we have already passed through. At that time God calls us (whether we recognize it or not) to share their journey by relaying a bit of our past brokenness, openly and transparently. As we are honest and real we invite others to do the same. We can be ourselves and allow others to do the same. This does not require us to share every detail of our past but to honestly admit that we are not perfect, that we are seeking to re-direct our lives to reflect God's word and his purpose for us.

Day 5: Another week is almost over. If you haven't had a chance to slow down and be still and know that he is God do so now. Take a deep breath and in that simple act of breathing thank God for who he is. The God of love and light.

God calls us to love in two directions – to love Him and to love others. How are you doing at each? What obvious, practical thing can you do to share God's love with people? What is right within your reach? You can't get around it: Love is part of your life as a Christian. Sometimes you might be blind to clear opportunities to show love. Ask God to open your eyes. Invite God to increase both love for God and love for people. Ask God for courage to obey Him and to love others unconditionally.

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